Lunchbox for workplaces
Lunchbox is simply about giving school children in the developing world a chance to do their best – something that requires a full stomach. We know you appreciate that. It’s why you took the trouble to build that canteen of yours. And a fine canteen it is too.
But perhaps there’s a little something missing?
And we do only mean a little something. Small in stature, a Lunchbox only takes up a mere 10cm of counter space. It has its own 4G signal and battery. So it really couldn’t be easier to give your employees the chance to help a schoolchild in the developing world refuel while they’re doing the same for themselves.
It’s the sort of thing that puts a spring in your step, and there’s nothing like a springy workforce.

Do you want a Lunchbox in your workplace?
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How do I get Lunchbox for my business?
So to get back to the very basics – Lunchbox is a contactless donation box that you can place in your canteen space. While employees are buying lunch they can do the same for a hungry child just by tapping the box with their card. Each tap makes a 30p donation – enough to feed a child in the developing world for a week.
It’s completely stand-alone too. You don’t need to do anything except turn it on – though a little explanation might be useful. But don’t worry about that. We’ll provide you with all the educational materials you need to get the word out.

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